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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 15, 2013 5:00am-6:00am PST

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you said grocery store. i'll say the size of an apartment building. that asteroid is supposed to come very close to earth later this morning. you should be able to see it in the bay area if you have a good telescope like they do here. one of the astronomers here will be here tonight. tell me what this is like for you as an astronomer to have an object this large coming this close to earth. what's the significance? >> it certainly tells us that our solar system is still a very busy place and things like the rock that extinguish the dinosaurs are still out there and that places that have telescopes are still needed to monitor the sky. >> reporter: how close is this going to come to our planet? >> it will come down to around
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17,000 miles, closest distance to the earth. some of your weather satellites, communication satellites which are out in orbit. they are actually farther out than where this asteroid will be when it is at its closest to the earth. >> reporter: your reaction to what happened in russia? you have seen the video. >> it's spectacular. it reminds us of stuff that's out there that does come close to us that we don't know about. in fact, it might have been a smaller version, a much smaller version of the asteroid of 2014. >> thank you very much, conrad. you can come here to the space and science center between 7:30 and 10:30 and astronomers will be operating the telescopes you see behind me and they'll be able to see it again by the time it gets to our side of planet earth, you will not be able to see it with a naked eye. it will be too faint.
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if you have a telescope like that in your backyard, you're fine. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> thank you, bob. this morning olympic south africa runner oscar pistorius is making his first court appearance today formally facing murder charges suspected of shooting his girlfriend to death at his own home. kris sanchez is in the newsroom with more on this investigation. good morning. >> good morning. the world famous olympian went in court this morning as he faced a judge with one count of murder. prosecutors say work to change that charge is under way. they want that changed to premeditated murder. a more serious charge. pistorius left jail this morning for that court appearance taken into custody on thursday after his girlfriend was found shot dead in his home. police in south africa say pistorius was the only other person in the home at the time. pistorius went in court today
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and as he did, his brother reached out to comfort him putting his hand on pistorius's shoulder. the family of the victim is reeling from the loss of a young woman who was famous on her own right in south africa. a woman whose family said was full of love. >> we will all know the true story but must never forget what reeva stood for. she loved people. she loved everybody. >> oscar pistorius will remain in jail until tuesday after the judge delayed his bail hearing. police have said openly they oppose the granting the bail. it speaks to the fact that as many people followed pistorius' historic runs at the summer olympics as they are now following what could be an incredible fall from grace. more than 100 people in the courtroom. many of them reporters. one of them an nbc news
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reporter. i'm talk with her and share that with you later this morning. new this morning, two men recovering after being shot in a drive-by in east san jose. this one happened near the intersection of gramercy place and capital. an suv drove through that neighborhood about 10:30 last night and then opened fire hitting two men who were standing outside of a home. those victims were taken to the hospital but they are expected to survive. so far no arrests have been made. as of now police say there's no motive for the shooting but it could be gang related. nothing short of a nightmare cruise for thousands of passengers and crew members and it's finally over with the help of some tug boats. last night that stricken liner was pulled right into an alabama port. nbc's jay gray is live in mobile, alabama, right now with reaction from those who suffered through that water bound mess. jay, i imagine a lot of people
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were saying hallelujah. >> reporter: absolutely, jon. a lot of people saying sweet home alabama as well. very excited to be back on solid ground. it was just pure emotion and adrenaline. you could hear people cheering not only here on the ground but on the deck here. take a look right now. this is a beautiful picture, if you will. a lot of people wondered when we would see "triumph" idle and empty. it's this morning. that's good news. the cheering and chants of let us go. they eventually did go. 4,000 people or more off the ship in about 3, 3 1/2 hours. not bad at all. all very orderly. most of the passengers loaded onto buses. many going right back to galveston. that's where the ship originated from and where it was supposed to end up on monday before it had problems on sunday in the engine room. others to hotel rooms in the new orleans area.
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1,500 rooms reserved. a chance to decompress. you would tell them they want fresh bed linens and a hot shower and good meal which is why they went to new orleans instead of going straight back. there are 12 planes chartered to take those passengers back to houston and make a short trip to galveston. that's the latest from here in mobile. back to you now. >> what a rough one. good news finally over but long from over as far as legal stuff with carnival. >> that will last a while i'm sure. meteorologist christina loren hopefully our warm weather will last through the weekend. >> we're not going to chant let us go around here. we've got some great looking weather that we're going to want to hold onto. unfortunately things are going to change. look at this. yesterday san rafael hit 76 degrees. unseasonably warm in santa cruz at 75. half moon bay hit 70. today it's going to be even warmer.
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here's the deal. south bay will be warmer. yesterday the north bay was warmest spot across the bay area. today it's going to be the south bay. so gilroy today close to 80 degrees. i know it's hard to believe. 49 to start in san francisco. part of the reason why we're going to get so warm is because of mild start to the day. we've had temperatures in the 20s and 30s for most of the winter each and every morning but today we're closer to 50 degrees in san francisco. closer to 40 even coldest spots across the bay. throughout the day today we do have patchy fog. same deal as yesterday. we'll get a few stubborn patches. mostly clear conditions across the greater bay area. that's good news. if you want to hit tahoe this weekend, we'll get to your ski report, your beach report. lots to do around the bay area as we head through the next three days in particular. beautiful weather. 71 degrees in livermore. 77 degrees in gilroy. and 73 in los gatos. 76 on the way for santa cruz. i'll take you through that seven-day forecast and help you make those plans. maybe you want to get the kids out of the house this weekend. 5:09. let's check your drive getting
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to work this morning. is that problematic? >> not so far except for people don't want to get to work in the morning. bay bridge. look here. middle of your screen. couldn't see this yesterday. city lights through emeryville and berkeley along the east shore freeway. a clear view there. a clear drive on our maps. we see no slowing at the maze or vicinity. i do want to show you typical road crews 880 and caldecott over here. both directions for 15 minutes have been showing slowdowns. eastbound side now cleared up. westbound now shows slowing as those crews are moving from the roadway right now and that will cause sensors to read slower there. we'll also track traffic through the north bay and richmond san rafael bridge not a problem from interstate 80 through 101. live look out there shows you conditions as we talk about one traffic hazard reported southbound 101 as you come out of roanoke park. sounds like maybe some tires in the roadway but still no details from chp. we'll track it. back to you. >> thank you, mike. it's 5:10. still ahead, we'll go south to
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scottsdale to check in on that giants spring training. an unusual way to unlock an iphone even one that's not yours. we'll take a look coming up in business news.
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apple is working on a fix that could allow someone to unlock your locked i iphone. >> it's similar to a problem we saw a couple years ago which apple was able to fix. it involves a series of button presses as described in this video from youtube. it doesn't allow you to totally unlock the phone but you can see call history and pictures stored on the phone. again, apple says it should have a fix shortly. the former head of blackberry meanwhile has sold all of his stock in the company. that's not an encouraging sign in your a blackberry
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shareholder. this man was co-ceo of blackberry until last january. he owned about 5% of the struggling company. struggles that started to be fair when he was in charge of it. let's check the markets this morning. courtney reagan is here on a friday at cnbc word headquarters. good morning, courtney. >> good morning to you. futures are a touch lower after stocks closed near the flat line yesterday. a fall on back-to-back days for the first time in three months and is on pace for the first back-to-back weekly loss of the year. we'll get data this morning on industrial production and consumer sentiment and owners from campbell's soup. the dow dropped and the nasdaq edged up one point to 3198. scott, back to you. >> thank you much. congress looking at extending sales tax to the internet by allowing one state to charge tax on something sold from another state. right now sales tax on the internet pretty patchy. here in california, for
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instance, we pay sales tax on things shipped from amazon but only if it comes from amazon itself and not one their outside suppliers. the argument against sales tax on the internet in the past any way has been let internet commerce grow but that's a tough argument where there are billions in sales. of course you are supposed to always pay your sales tax. it's a matter of getting charged or not. i'm sure you guys always pay your sales tax. >> of course. my argument is i hate paying sales tax online. >> i hate paying sales tax period. >> good point. we got away with it for so long online it was a beautiful thing. >> amometeorologist christina ln joining us with a beautiful thing. >> sunshine and payday friday. temperatures are going to be comfortable today yet again. by noon you might even be kicking on the ac in your vehicle. 5:15 now.
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temperatures are crisp to start. fog out there. we're at 39 degrees in novato. 42 in concord. 44 degrees in san jose. at noon look at this. just want to bring your attention to your future cast because we agree that you can see south bay is going to be the warmest today. santa rosa yesterday got really warm. san rafael hit 76 degrees. today we'll be even warmer. the readings will come in from the south bay. look at gilroy, 77. 72 for san jose. that's room temperature. 70 degrees in concord. happy to bring to the table that it's not a spare the air day. enjoy it while it lasts. things are changing quickly. into sunday, temperatures start to drop off. we get cooler. then monday and tuesday we bring in the rain. showers on the way at least for three consecutive days and your temperatures will drop off as well. so look at the difference between friday and next thursday. book ended by some major changes. we'll take you through those and time it out for you when it
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comes to rain coming up in my next report. first, a look at your drive. good morning. >> we'll look toward the south bay with an easy drive right now northbound for all of your major highways. surface streets picking up a little bit of extra traffic. not a major concern. we do have one issue. connector north 280 to south 85. that connector here still has overnight road work closing that for another 15 minutes perhaps until crews clear but likely going to clear earlier than on the rest of the week because it's a friday. rest of the interchange is open. let's get a look farther north and view through palo alto. a smooth drive here up toward the dumbaon bridge and willow at the top of your screen. other side of the bay, fremont also looks smooth coming southbound 880 with these lights past the auto mall sign there and also down toward mission boulevard. let me show you the map for the entire area. here's 680. we look at that. 680 through sunol. northbound shows slowing. we'll track that to make sure nothing happens there.
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no delays through the dublin interchange and we'll end with a look toward the east shore freeway which we see better today than yesterday. maybe we'll stow that to you next time. back to you. >> we look forward to it. thank you so much. 5:17 right now. for many in the bay area, their pet is not just a friend or companion, but a member of the family. >> they may be the love of your life, often when you fly they're not allowed to be by your side. how does your precious cargo get from point a to point b. the nbc bay area investigative unit finds out. >> reporter: more pets died on delta than in the care of any other airline but they're not the only carrier that's had problems. we found air travel can sometimes be deadly for a pet. >> he was my best friend. >> reporter: michael paid $650 to have his dog fly from miami to san francisco on united's pet safe program. >> they guarantee you that your pet will always be in acclimated
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surroundings. >> reporter: during a layover in houston he saw his dog sitting on a tarmac on a luggage cart. >> i have never seen him ever that hot. >> reporter: going through monthly air travel consumer reports from the department of transportation dating back for 2012, the investigative unit discovered more than 300 animals have died, been injured or gone missing. most never to be found. all on the airline's watch. should airlines be allowed to transport animals? >> i think we demand it. i think airlines have to respond in kind. but i think owners have to be responsible to make sure pets are healthy. >> you run the same risk of losing your pet as you do losing your luggage. >> reporter: airlines for america, a trade group representing the majority of airlines tells us transportation of all passengers including pets remains the airlines number one
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priority. we'll have more on this issue in our full investigation at 11:00 including what penalties, if any at all, the airlines receive when an animal is hurt. 5:19 right now. coming up, a large meteorite goes crashing to the ground in russia injuring hundreds. we'll update you on breaking news coming up. we'll head out to scottsdale for a look at how the giants are doing in the first week of spring training.
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good morning to you. a live look at the embarcadero in san francisco. we'll check the forecast with christina. it's 5:22. today the giants world series trophy continue their victory tour in the south bay.
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if you want to get a glimpse of the trophies or get your pictures taken with them, you have two opportunities to do it. in gilroy trophies will be on display from 2:00 to 4:00 and in morgan hill from 6:00 to 8:00 tonight. giants fans are heading further south this spring to check out the giants. >> for a look at the spring training swag, that's what they call it down there, let's check in with laurence scott at scottsdale stadium. >> reporter: good morning to you. we're coming to you from the giants team store at scottsdale stadium. you know, ever since that world series victory over the tigers in detroit, giants gear has been flying off the shelves at the team store at at&t park. here at the team store in arizona, they are fully stocked with spring training gear. take a look. when it comes to apparel and other items for a wide awrray o tastes and styles, the giants work to tap into what fans are
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looking for when supporting the team with what they wear. spring training gear is no exception. >> every year we carry a different style. this year we feature buster posey with backdrop of the state of arizona. map of arizona. that's very nice. every year the authentic t-shirt collection changes. this year it's a different style. >> reporter: the world series trophy on various items ups the appeal. >> it's championship merchandise. different than you carry during the regular season. we have crazy, dedicated fans. they buy all year. they buy every year. the world championship gives them another reason to buy another t-shirt or to buy another license plate frame or a t-shirt for the entire family. wife, kids and those visiting bragging rights for those out of state or other regions so it's great. >> reporter: giants fans will get in gear as giants are set to open their cactus league schedule here at scottsdale
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stadium on saturday, february 23rd against the angels. that's the scene here from arizona. let's send it back to you in the studio. >> we love the theme. >> when you are world champs, those are hot items. >> meteorologist christina loren talking heat for us today. what a great day yesterday. >> spectacular would be appropriate. i went out and walked around. had nowhere to go. just walked. >> took it all in. >> it's going to be another great day to do exactly the same thing. get on out there and enjoy it. next week the cold winter days return. old man winter took a trip to hawaii. temperatures here are so mild. 71 degrees inland today. bayside, 70 degrees. at the coast, 70. these are places like half moon bay and oakland when we talk bayside and at the coast. when i talk about santa cruz, some warmer beach cities today 76 degrees. hard to believe it's the 15th of february. let's check your drive with
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mike. >> we're looking over toward the east shore freeway. west 80 headlights a few more of them. more folks coming down through richmond. slower, easier build for friday. it's lighter volume here as well as at the bay bridge toll plaza. clear shot here as well as from the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see hills on the other side of the east shore freeway. look at san mateo, easy drive. high rise visible. yesterday a lot of fog. today not the case. smooth drive over to and from half moon bay where we talked about the coastal areas. christina has a great forecast. expect 92 to be tough all weekend. back to you. >> all right. thanks so much. still to come on "today in the bay," nasa ames facing serious accusation this is morning leveled against it by two congressmen. we'll have details on it coming up.
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>> in court today charged with the murder of his girlfriend. i'm kris sanchez. i have developing details coming to you from the newsroom. >> good morning to you. a great looking day shaping up. temps wi s will climb into the . might be talking records. we'll break it down coming up. a much clearer view of the roadways than we had yesterday. i'll show you what we have cropping up. it is friday but is it light? we'll let you know. >> a live look at san francisco's embarcadero on this friday, february 15th. no traffic there just yet. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you. thanks for being with us. it's 5:29. i'm marla tellez in for laura garcia-cannon. >> good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. right now we're switching stories here. all right. >> yes, we are. we're going to talk to kris sanchez. she's live in our newsroom right
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now talking about south african olympian runner oscar pistorius in court today officially charged with murder. i know you are all over this case. what's the latest? >> he was in court today charged with murder. prosecutors say they are going to ask the judge, the magistrate to consider the serious charge of premeditated murder accused of shooting and killing his girlfriend in his home. he went in his hands in court this morning as he was charged with one count of murder. pistorius will return to court on tuesday for a bail hearing. prosecutors and police in this case are asking that he not be granted bail. he was taken into custody thursday after his girlfriend model reeva steenkamp was found shot and killed in his home. police in south africa say pistorius was the only other person in the home at the time. as pistorius went in court, his brother reached out to comfort
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him putting his hand on his brother's shoulder. the family of the victim is reeling. >> at the end of the day we will all know the true story but must never forget what reeva stood for. she loved people. she loved everybody. >> pistorius will remain in jail until tuesday after the judge delayed his bail hearing until then. police have said that they oppose the granting of bail. there were more than 100 people in the court as pistorius appeared there in a charcoal gray suit looking very different from the olympian that we saw in london this summer. the smile was gone. he was crying into his hands. we'll talk with one of the nbc reporters who was in that courtroom a little bit later this morning. jon? >> thank you. right now we continue to follow breaking news.
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hundreds of people hurt this morning after a meteorite crashes to the ground in russia and this one all caught on tape. wow. you talk about terrifying. the russian interior ministry says the fall caused sharp explosions shattering windows and calls for help were from people that were injured by all of the broken glass. this one happened more than 900 miles east of moscow. this all comes as an asteroid the size of possibly of an apartment building expected to narrowly miss earth later on this morning. "today in the bay's" bob redell joins us live from the space and center in oakland right now with how astronomers are reacting to this major news and a big fly by. >> reporter: good morning, jon. the asteroid you are talking about will be a near miss coming into earth's orbit later this morning, a few hours from now.
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it has unglamorous designation of being called 2012 ba 14. i'm going to say it's the size of a walmart. about 150 feet in diameter. it's not going to hit earth. astronomers are certain of that. if it were, it would have the equivalent of 2 million tons of tnt. it would not be a good thing. it is going to be coming close. 17,200 miles above our planet. that is closer than some of the satellites we have in earth's orbit and it is close enough that you would be able to see it with a telescope here at the space and science center in oakland where we are at right now. will we see craters on it? >> it's too small for telescopes to see that kind of detail. we should be able to see -- we should be able to see its
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movements. if it is rotating, we may see variation in brightness. for bigger telescopes, if they can track it especially the radar telescopes, they'll be mapping out its shape. they'll try to look for features. for us, we'll be just looking for this dot moving against the sky. >> reporter: it will not be visible to the naked eye. it's going to be too dim. if you are coming here to the center tonight between 7:30 and 10:30, you can borrow the telescopes. they'll have a camera on there to see this object drifting across the night sky. again, not visible to the naked eye. supposed to start entering the earth's orbit around 11:30 this morning on the other side of the planet and several others later to our side of the planet. what astronomers hope to learn from the observations is obviously the composition, the
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size, but also information that might help nasa do future missions. they like to do a mission to an asteroid some day to obviously land on it and hopefully mine it. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> two congressmen are accusing employees at mountain view's nasa ames research center of sharing secret technology with china. business and tech reporter scott mcgrew joins us. not the first time nasa has been accused. >> republican iowa senator chuck grassley made the same accusations in 2012 demanding answers to his allegations that some at nasa may have given away information to foreign countries that would violate america's laws against exporting technology. now, the latest version of the accusation comes from these men, lamar smith of texas, frank wolf of virginia. they are also republicans. according to the magazine "aviation week" they sent a
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letter to the justice department in june asking why there have been no prosecutions. in all of the cases, they name the center's director pete warden seen here. they don't specifically accuse warden himself but in grassley's letter, for instance, the senator specifically questions warden's leadership. it is hard to tell how much of this is political in other words. the very conservative "washington times" quotes federal prosecutors in northern california as saying no criminal charges are planned in this case. now, if there were technology transfers, appears from various reports that we're seeing transfers weren't the kind you see in spy movies with secret documents and that kind of thing but rather information exchanged at conferences or shown to visiting dignitaries at nasa ames that may have and we don't know, may have violated american law. >> we'll see. okay. thanks so much. >> interesting stuff. 5:36 right now. christina loren has some
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wonderful stuff to tell us about outside. >> that's right. i got the good stuff in more ways than one. 42 in sunnyvale. 44 in san jose. 36 degrees in gilroy. look at this. 71 degrees today in walnut creek. 71 tomorrow as well. the average high is 61 degrees. so today temperatures are going to be 10 to 15 degrees above average all across the board. want to point out though 34 days until spring officially starts. winter on hiatus this weekend. february is a short month. spring will be here before you know it. 71 degrees in livermore. 77 degrees in gilroy. 73 for los gatos. 73 in redwood city. enjoy when while it lasts. we return to winter next week. rain, cold air, cloud cover on the way. we'll time it out in my next report. 5:37. let's check your drive. is it friday light? >> it is so far. you talk about a lighter, warmer temperatures right now. some folks are on winter break. maybe winter is taking a break as well. fremont shows a smooth drive.
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light volume as christina talked about through fremont. a few more cars but no big drama. let me show you where there is slowing in the east bay and this is typical. slowing out of the altamont pass. look at how light the volume is. 205 and 580 come to the merge not slowing but over toward livermore and in through where it is slowing a bit. no problems. no drama at the dublin interchange. more cars slowing at the interchange with 680 and 580. commute direction marked with arrows and also construction northbound as you head up through san ramon. there's still crews but earlier slowing cleared up. crews might be on the move now heading up toward walnut creek interchange. christina talking about 70s for walnut creek. cool stuff. live look outside shows you the volume of traffic through 880 and oakland coliseum area northbound with taillights. southbound with the headlights. no delays in either direction for the nimitz and bay bridge is clear at the toll plaza. we'll send it back to you. >> okay. great. thanks, mike. time is 5:38.
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scary scene here. a woman wakes up in the middle of the night with guns pointed right at her head. we'll tell you about the terrifying and dangerous prank that's been a joke that police say is becoming more common. when giants spring training gets into full swing, there will be a very familiar face there. details from scottsdale next.
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welcome back. 5:41 now. washington congress goes home with a lot of work undone including filling two key national security jobs. and there are billions in automatic spending cuts scheduled to take place once lawmakers return. "today in the bay's" tracie potts is live on capitol hill with more on the issues congress is facing. good morning, tracie. >> marla, good morning. let's start with those cuts. congress needs to do something to prevent 85 billion in automatic cuts from happening on march 1st. so far congress has failed to act if they leave a schedule
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today they'll only have four days to deal with this before cuts go into effect. something they've been unable to do in months. president obama meantime saying they are playing politics with his nominees, chuck hagel who is up for defense secretary, republicans blocking an up or down vote saying they want more information on things he said and more information from the administration about what happened in benghazi. the deadly attack there. meantime, john brennan who is being considered as cia director, that one is still stuck in committee. so that leaves congress with two key national security posts undecided as they plan to head off to their break today. marla? >> okay. thank you so much. after spending five rough days adrift at sea this morning many of those passengers stranded onboard the carnival cruise ship waking up in a hotel
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room near mobile, alabama. this is a live look right now at the cruise ship "triumph." they got into port last night and let passengers off. the crew was on there working. quite the scene. we have video showing the passengers as they got off and so happy to be there planting their lips on the dry, firm ground as the ship docked in mobile late last night. a massive cruise ship disabled by an engine fire that knocked out power and spilled sewage all over which was just a disgusting scene. the heating and air conditioning was stopped on board. >> it was the most challenging thing i think i have ever done. it was literally like being in a floating port-o-potty. human waste everywhere. the crew was great. they did a great job keeping our spirits up. it was tough. >> we're like a family now. we went through hell. >> smiling there despite the
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floating port-o-potty. what a description. carnival says passengers will get a full refund and then discounts on future cruises plus an additional $500 in compensation. coming up at 5:00, we'll have a live report from mobile, alabama, where the last of the passengers are finally making their way back to galveston, texas, where this all started. they'll do that this morning. >> a floating port-o-potty and a floating petri dish. spring training news for the giants. a family reunion of sorts. >> this year a family face from the 2010 world series win back in black and orange. let's head to scottsdale, arizona, for a look at spring training action. >> reporter: one of the great things about spring training is getting to see old friends and for one giants outfielder, we
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haven't seen him in a year and we're glad to see him back here in scottsdale yet again. a huge fan favorite during the 2010 world series run, torres is back after spent last season in new york with the mets. he's looking forward to soon seeing friends and fans at at&t park. >> it's an honor. dream come true to come back with the giants. i'm excited. i can't wait to be back in san francisco. >> reporter: torres defining a role as secondary to be part of a winning team that reached great heights during the last time he was in the bay area. >> i want to prove i can play the game and help my team win. that's my biggest goal. you help them no matter what. be prepared and i really excited. >> reporter: when you look at this team and parts that are still here from when you were on the team in 2010 and what they have now going into 2013, what are you looking most forward to? >> we play as a team.
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chemistry. we play together. we are going to continue to win championships. >> reporter: it's always such a likable guy with a great smile and tons of energy. it is great to see him back with the giants here at spring training here in scottsdale. back to you in the studio. >> we welcome him back. okay. thanks so much. >> you know torres a bit. i saw a photo. i saw it on facebook. check it out. marla tellez. i think he really enjoyed it. >> i drew the short stick with brian wilson. maybe. i'm hoping that he'll come and rehab in san jose with san jose giants but that's pretty far-fetched. we have less than a quarter of mile visibility available in santa rosa this morning. we're actually looking good elsewhere. yesterday at this point we had some thicker pockets of fog out there. today not a lot to talk about.
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that's good news. starting out nice and mild. air quality not suffering all that much under offshore flow. however, by the weekend we might be sparing the air. make sure you tune into rob mayeda tomorrow morning and find out if that is the case. 34 in san jose. 36 in gilroy. 31 in livermore. 52 degrees. 52 degrees to start the day in oakland where typically you hit about 58 degrees as a high. temperatures are going to be in the 70s everywhere. want to take you through hour by hour forecast. we stop the clock by 10:00 a.m., 60s on the map. close to 60 just about everywhere. we continue that future cast. look at this. the yellow on contour starting to come into play. that's an indication the south bay will be the warmest region across the bay area today. at 1:00 p.m. you'll be at 70 degrees in san jose and then at 3:00 when our highs come in, temperatures will be close to 80 degrees. three degrees away from 80 in gilroy later on. 70 degrees in san francisco. hard to beat that. now as we get into your sunday, 66 degrees. temperatures are going to drop off a little bit.
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we'll increase that cloud cover and as we head through the next couple days, monday, tuesday, wednesday, things really start to change. back into the low 50s. tuesday you'll need a heavy winter coat and umbrella. wednesday into thursday, spotty showers. a soupy atmosphere. it's not going to be as pretty. outdoor plans you have been meaning to take care of, you'll get a few more days to do so before the rain arrives. good morning, mike. >> good morning. a great morning as far as the commute goes through the south bay. here's volume of traffic at 101 and 680. this is the area at 5:48 we see first burst of traffic. not really that bad today. it's friday. look at the maps. lighter later build to the commute for the south bay expected but right now look at these northbound highways looking good. monterey highway a surface street. slowing in both directions. 87 shows slowing right around alm alma. let's talk mass transit. vta moves smoothly through this area. no delays for this service. caltrain up and down the
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peninsula no delays either and b.a.r.t. has about 41 trains and moving on time right now. typical weekday schedule. modified schedules for monday for a lot of transit agencies because of that presidents day holiday. over to slowing at the dublin interchange. volume builds. through livermore volume not that bad. speeds still close to the limit. 680 smooth drive down through sunol and pleasanton. a smooth flow over toward hayward. castro valley y. no delays. we'll end with a quick shot of the san mateo bridge with good volume but no slowing over to the peninsula. back to you guys. >> thanks so much. 5:49 now. san francisco police are investigating a police shooting that ended in a crash where several people were hurt. police say it all started in the tenderloin near the intersection of eddie and jones street when a stolen town car tried to get away from officers. after a short chase the driver of that town car swerved onto the sidewalk to avoid spike strips. police say one officer standing nearby shot at the car. the town car kept going
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eventually crashed into a taxi and two other cars near fifth and mission. the suspect was arrested and four people hurt in that crash. state lawmakers right now pushing for tougher laws against so-called swatters after the popular phone prank put a san mateo woman face to face with armed police officers. those officers were responding to reports of shots fired and a possible hostage situation inside of her home. this all happened about 2:00 yesterday morning. the only thing here is the whole thing was a prank. just a big joke. they call this swatting because someone calls in about a violent crime that requires a s.w.a.t. response or something similar. san mateo police defending their response saying reports like these are taken very seriously. but that woman said that the prank that could get people seriously hurt maybe even killed. >> something very bad could have happened. i could have been injured. when there are so many guns on
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you, somebody could have made a mistake and thought i was doing something that was threatening. so it was frightening. >> scary and dangerous. so far no arrests have been made in this one. as far as tougher laws being talked about in sacramento, they include holding those convicted responsible for all costs linked to that response and more time in jail. it is 5:51. we continue to follow breaking news. large meteorite crashes in russia injuring hundreds. we'll have the latest details coming up. that's amazing video. stick around for that. it's 5:51. do you know where your kids are? probably in bed. later you'll figure out where they are using this in gadget friday.
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a killer whale goes into labor and takes an hour to deliver that new calf. nearly seven feet long. weighs 350 pounds. zookeepers not sure of the gender of that calf. she has given birth to three other calves at seaworld. if you want to keep close tabs on your own offspring, scott mcgrew has a gadget this gadget friday. >> gps tag them like a scientists does. a gps tracking device from a company called ezoom. you can slip it into your child's backpack or have them carry it in a pocket and watch him bike home from school from the office or use it on your smartphone monitor it there. it's $100 for the device itself and then about $15 for the service. you can set a number of perimeters as well. if this were in a teenager's car, you can have it text you if
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the car goes over 70 miles an hour and a button in the middle and if i press it, it sends out a signal to whatever i designated ahead of time and i'm going to check with you, jon, and see -- i didn't test this ahead of time. on your phone, if you got an e-mail. to be fair, i didn't charge it overnight. that's just occurring to me. i'm sending you a signal that we can redo at 6:00 after i charged it. >> maybe i'm not getting a signal in here. >> i wouldn't call it an sos signal because you'll be very far away from the person that actually sets this off but the person could press the button when he or she got home sending a signal automatically saying, hey, i'm home or whatever it is that you and your family decided that button press should me. >> you have my digits. try me out too. >> it's all a matter of the tech guy not remembering to charge it overnight. >> i love it. >> great gadget. >> live television, ladies and gentlemen. >> thank you, scott.
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>> we want to get one of those. that's good stuff. thank you very much. meteorologist christina loren, time to tell us how great the forecast is going to be. >> i want wait to see what kids do to get around that one. temperatures today are going to be comfortable. 70s on the way inland, bayside and at the coast. warmer than yesterday. happy to tell you your air quality is in moderate range. it's not unhealthy. as we head throughout the next couple days, we are going to stay mild. then the rain comes in. we'll time that out coming up. mike has been pretty busy this morning. what are you tracking on a friday morning? >> tracking a nice flow of traffic. a good amount of cars and no real slowing. it's a friday and lighter volume. there's a new crash south 880 getting on at auto mall parkway. we can't see it here. we do see auto mall sign. it will affect you getting on around that shopping area. sounds like car went into the center divide. no injuries reported so far. we'll track that as well. 880 clear here. live look as well outside of the peninsula side. smooth drive for palo alto. no delays past university.
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picking up a few more cars peninsula at the limit for 101 and for 280 and north bay 101 also slowing a bit just because of the volume of traffic just coming out of roanoke park. a little bit and into novato around highway 37. not a major concern. it's friday. back to you. 5:56 right now. still ahead, a shocking story developing out of south africa. oscar pistorius making his first appearance in court on murder charges. we'll have details coming up in a live report. also ladies, check that ring finger. your fancy jewelry may not be as fancy as you think. tiffany's suing costco. we'll tell you why coming up. >> putting a ring on it for a bargain. all right. the live look right now over san francisco before the sun comes up. christina loren says brace yourselves. a spectacular day in the neighborhood ahead. we're back in minutes.
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hundreds hurt after fragments of a meteorite falls in russia. the blade runner back behind bars. the crucial court decision overnight that brought the olympic athlete to tears. and sweet home alabama. the emotional and exhausting homecoming for thousands of passengers stuck on a drifting ship for days. and if you have enjoyed the past couple of days, you're going to love what we have in store for you. you made it to friday. weather looks good. there's rain on the way. we'll tell you when it is slated to arrive. >> crashes onto or off the nimitz freeway right now. friday light not for some east bay folks. a live look from the south bay. you can see the sun a bit slowly creeping over that horizon. another beautiful one in the bay on this friday, february 15th. this is "today in the bay."
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you made it to friday. good morning. it's 6:00. i'm marla tellez in for laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm jon kelley. good morning, everybody. right now we want to update you on breaking news overnight in russia where more than 400 people are hurt after meteorite fragments fell to earth shattering windows. this one comes on the same day as an asteroid half the size of a football field is set to come dangerously close to earth. "today in the bay's" bob redell is live at chabot space and science center. they say the meteorite in russia is not linked to today's asteroid. the question is what do chabot scientists say about this? >> reporter: two separate events coincidental of course. good morning, jon. we


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